Repéré par / Spotted by Ellie
Created by/ Création de : Aletta
Repéré par / Spotted by Cassandra
Created by/ Création de : Gery Tiemens-Hartgers
Repéré par / Spotted by Ellie
Voici des bannières Magenta que vous pouvez utilisez si vous le désirez:
Here are some Magenta banners that you can use if you wish:
Voici des bannières Magenta que vous pouvez utilisez si vous le désirez:
Here are some Magenta banners that you can use if you wish:
I am proud to be mentioned in this beautiful category!
Thanks to Magenta and thanks to Cassandra.
Love from Gery
What beautiful cards!
Ellie thank you very much for noticing my card and appreciate her. Information on the award of my card is the most beautiful accent this week :-)) Thank you very much.
Congratulations for other honored people.
So great to see that your card that you made on a day that everything looked so sunny was picked! Thanks so much for the honeur!
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